Examinations and X-Rays

New Patient Exam £75 (Incudes 2 small X-rays)

Smile design Exam (Includes photoshop simulation) £120

Routine Exam £45 (X-rays not included)

Small X-Rays (Each) £12

15 Minutes cosmetic evaluation £FREE

30mins Current Patient Hygiene Session: £78 + Additional for Perio Numbing Gel £4 and Jet Polish £9

45 mins New Patient Hygiene Session: £118 + Additional for Perry Numbing £4 and Jet Polish £9

Hygiene with Dentist £175

Orthodontic treatment

Invisalign-Basic From £1200

Invisalign-Complex From £2950

Inman Aligner From £1950

Fixed (Brackets) From £1200


From £2500 per tooth (Implant + Crown)


Simple From £120

Wisdom Tooth From £175 to £300


Check up £65

Hygienist £78


White - Composite From £75 to £250

White - CEREC (Ceramic one-visit) From £350

Amalgam (Silver) From £60 to £180


Ceramic-Metal Crown (Metal with porcelain coverage) From £750

All porcelain Crown From £950

All ceramic CEREC crown (One-visit) From £950

Gold Crown From £950


Ceramic-Metal unit From £750 per unit

All ceramic From £950 pounds per unit


Home whitening (Trays + Syringes) £395

Tooth Extraction

Simple From £120

Complex From £320


Acrylic (Upper or lower) £750 each

Flexidenture-Acrylic (upper or lower) £950 each

Cobolt-Chrome (upper or lower) £1300 each

Mouth guards

Night guard From £450

Sports mouthguard (3 Layer) £375



Emergency dental treatment – £26.80

Band 1 course of treatment – £26.80
This covers an examination, diagnosis (including X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if clinically needed, and preventative care such as the application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealant if appropriate.

Band 2 course of treatment – £73.50
This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or removal of teeth but not more complex items covered by Band 3.

Band 3 course of treatment – £319.10
This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures, bridges and other laboratory work.