A child should ideally see a dentist for a routine check-up once every 6-12 months as regular dental visits are very important in running an effective preventative programme.
Preventing tooth decay
There are a number of different actions a parent can take in a bid to limit the risk of tooth decay among their children. The Hub Dental Rooms professionals advise parents to avoid the consumption of milk when falling asleep. Babies who require the use of a bottle for comfort before bed time should be given a dummy or water as a protective alternative.
In addition, it is vital for guardians to monitor the signs of tooth decay in an infant upon the first signs of tooth eruption.
Encouraging children to eat healthy foods is vital in the prevention of emerging problems with teeth and gums. The Hub Dental Room professional recommends the consumption of a wide variety of foods in a bid to ensure the teeth bones and soft tissue in the mouth remain in a good condition.
Eating a varied and interesting diet consisting of items from all food groups could promote oral health among young people, as well as preventing them from growing bored of a diet containing the same types of food.
First dental visit
At The Hub Dental Room practitioner recommends parents should take their child to their first dental visit close to their first birthday. It is vital for an infant to be familiar with the environment in a bid to relax them during what can often be a daunting experience.
Building up a sense of trust with a dentist is vital to eradicate any worries or fears instilled in youngsters who may feel they cannot talk about their issues with a stranger.
Children below 3
We place great importance in your child's health our dentists have experience which allows them to provide the most up-to-date and thorough treatment for a wide variety of children's dental problems.
We believe in showing you how to achieve & maintain good oral health and by providing you with all necessary information.
We aim to provide you, as parents, the answers you need for your piece of mind
Children above 3:
We treat children from the age of 3 onwards. We try to make your child’s first dental visit as comfortable and fun as possible here your child will explore a new environment & exciting facts about their own mouths. We provide caries (decay) prevention treatment and where needed, paediatric fillings in milk teeth and extraction.